Equipped for the Future!
Cooperative Education (CO-OP) aims to engage students with practical work experience supported by classroom instruction. Through industry partnerships across the region, students are employed in program specific opportunities as educational credit. Our Cooperative Education Coordinator collaborates with the student, the employer, and the program instructor to foster the best experience. If you are interested in Cooperative Education, you must first be a student at ECTS. Then, inquire with your program instructor for more information. More information about cooperative education can be obtained from the Pennsylvania Department of Education Career and Technical Education.
Links for Employers and Prospective Employers
Please see the links below for important information for working with our students. Please feel free to contact our Business Partnerships and Cooperative Education Coordinator any time during regular business hours at 814-464-8676. This is important if you have any questions concerning opportunities to partner with us or about existing cooperative education arrangements. Thank you for your interest in our students’ futures. In addition, feel free to use the links below:
Family (Student or Parent Information)
This link can be used for families (students or parents) who have general questions regarding the Erie County Technical School Cooperative Education experience.
Employer or Partner Information)
This link can be used by employers or partners interested in working with the Erie County Technical School Cooperative Education experience.