Putting your ride back on the road!
Do you love vehicles? Are you interested in detailing and restoring old cars, trucks, or motorcycles? Then Automotive Body Repair is for you. At ECTS you’ll learn the techniques of sanding, taping, welding, and painting to make the vehicle as good as new. Automotive Body Repair is an art. You will also learn to create your own designs with paint. Design your career in Automotive Body Repair!
- Assess, estimate, repair, and replace the body and interior of vehicles.
- Design, paint, and refinish vehicle surfaces using modern welding, sanding, masking, and painting procedures.
- Design and create customized paint jobs.
You Can Be . . .
- Refinish Technician
- Auto Body Detailer
- Body and Fender Apprentice
- Glass Installer
- Auto Body Repair Technician
Prospective Students
You should have good hand-eye coordination, manual dexterity, multi-limb coordination, mechanical aptitude, physical strength, and accuracy and the ability to work with minimal supervision.
Learn about these occupations and more at O-Net.
Career Focus
Prepared for immediate employment, advanced certifications, and further education.
Earn College Credits
Satisfactory completion of this program earns you college credits. See our list of universities we have articulation agreements with, and the PA SOAR Agreements this program is certified with at CollegeTransfer.NET.
Get Certified
- S/P2 in Collision Safety
- S/P2 in Pollution Prevention
- Pennsylvania State Inspection License
- Pennsylvania State Emissions License
What’s it like?
Students in the Auto Body program learn all phases of auto body repair, including the proper use of hand and power tools, damage analysis, rebuilding, reconditioning, sanding and refinishing, basic metalworking and dent repair, frame straightening, spray painting, welding, and glass installation.