The main ECTS phone number is 814-464-8600. Please note that all phone numbers at ECTS start with 814-464-****. The four digit number under each employee is their direct phone. The direct phone number can also be used to send a fax directly to that staff member as well. There are a few additional group lines listed below if you need to reach a group of people.
All email addresses for ECTS follows the first initial and full last name format (i.e. Frank Smith would be Please use this format when constructing an email to ECTS Staff.
Important Group Lines:
8601 – Student Services Office Group
8602 – High School Office Group
8603 – Business Office Group
8683 – Attendance Group
Administration Directory:
Director, M. LaVerde 8661Principal, J. Aiken 8682HR & Admin, C. Doty 8663Business Mgr, J. Garnica 8664Curriculum, S. Carr 8675Student Services, L. Scalise 8674Technology, M. Miller 8658Facilities, F. Kimmel 8615
CTE Lab Faculty Directory:
Art & Design for Business, L. Shallenberger 8606Automotive Body Repair, S. Steever 8613Automotive Technology, R. Rumbarger 8612Automotive Technology, P. Myers 8611Computer Networking, D. Cass 8634Computer Programming, J. Klins 8637Construction Trades, A. Trippi 8643Construction Trades, S. Webb 8633Cosmetology, D. Newell 8604Cosmetology, D. Carroll 8644Culinary Arts, K. Schoullis 8652Culinary Arts, J. Warren 8653Drafting and Design, M. Sargent 8638Early Childhood Ed, K. Fox 8608Electrical Engineering, N. Zahniser 8620Emergency Services, S. Victory 8640Facility Maintenance, D. Dawison 8646Graphic Media, C. Vroman 8605Health Assistant, N. Larson 8607Health Assistant, K. McGrady 8627Hospitality and Tourism, M. Larson 8635Metal Fabrication, L. Taylor 8647Precision Machining, R. Suprynowicz 8610Sports Therapy, A. Litz 8632
Non-CTE Lab Faculty Directory:
Mathematics, A. Marendt 8677Professional Skills, H. Nazario 8636Transition Center, A. Dawson 8630Admissions, B. Howell 8684Career Planning/Guidance, M. Foulkrod 8679Cooperative Education, J. Zellefrow 8676
Support Staff Directory:
Therapy Dog, Greta WOOFSchool Officer, C. Yeaney 8680Nurse, B. Dentler 8686Technology, A. Fair 8642HS Office / Registrar, P. Pence 8681HS Office / Attendance, H. Crane 8673SS Office / RCTC, R. Heberle 8672SS Office / RCTC, E. Rosa 8668Admin Office, M. Dempsey 8660I. Aide, A. Brown 8670I. Aide, G. Buchner 8670I. Aide, G. Cook 8670I. Aide, T. Cruz 8670I. Aide, R. Hart 8670I. Aide, C. Imhoff 8670I. Aide, M. Jobczynski 8631I. Aide, M. Morton 8631I. Aide, A. Paparelli 8670I. Aide, A. Plummer 8670I. Aide, J. Schneid 8670I. Aide, P. Tech 8670I. Aide, K. Weismiller 8631Maintenance, A. Labrozzi 8616Maintenance, T. Mello 8616Maintenance, K. Woodcock 8616 Custodian, D. Bard 8622Custodian, J. Berdis 8622Custodian, A. Del Moral 8622Custodian, J. Harper 8622Custodian, A. R. Plummer 8622 Custodian, D. Schley 8622